This addon adds the ability to delete post meta fields, also known as custom fields (that are stored in the wp_postmeta table) based on the meta value. The free version of Bulk Delete plugin allows you to delete post meta fields based on meta key alone, but this addon adds the ability to delete the meta fields based on both meta key and value. In addition to that, this addon also allows you to schedule automatic deletion of post meta fields.
You can delete post meta fields based on the following filters.
- Delete all meta fields whose value matches the given value. The following comparison operators are supported.
- equal to
- not equal to
- less than
- less than or equal to
- greater than
- greater than or equal to
- like
- not like
- The meta value to be compared can belong to any of the following data type
- Char (string)
- Numeric
- Decimal
- Signed
- Unsigned
- Date
- DateTime
- Time
- Binary
The meta field key can be matched based on prefix or postfix.
In addition to the above options you can also choose the following filters
- Restrict post meta fields to a specific post type
- Restrict meta fields based on the date the post was published
- Delete meta fields only from the first x posts
The meta fields can be deleted immediately or can be scheduled for automatic deletion.
- You can choose the post type from which you want to delete post meta
- You can delete post meta based on meta key alone
- You can match meta keys based on postfix or prefix
- You can choose different meta key options like ‘starts with’, ‘contains’ or ‘endswith’
- You can also delete post meta based on both meta key and meta value
- There are lot of comparison operators available to compare meta values
- In addition to comparison operations, comparison data types are also available
- You can enter the value to which the meta value should be compared with
- You can restrict the deletion of post meta based on when the post was published
- You can restrict the deletion of post meta based on when the post was published
- Deletion can also be scheduled
This addon requires at least v5.4 or above of Bulk Delete plugin.