Bulk Delete v5.5 Released

After being in development for a couple of months, Bulk Delete v5.5 just got released. As always, the update is available for download and install from the WordPress admin page.

The major new feature in this release is the ability to delete users based on user meta. Apart from that there were also a couple of enhancements.

Delete Users by User Meta

In v5.5 we have added the ability to delete users based on user meta (profile fields). This will be useful if you have lot of users and want to delete them based on their profile information.

The following comparison operators are available which you can use to compare the user meta fields with the value.

  • Equal to (=)
  • Not equal to (!=)
  • Greater than (>)
  • Greater than or equal to (>=)
  • Less than (<)
  • Less than or equal to (<=)

The entire functionality is available in the free version of the plugin (screenshots below) and there is also a corresponding scheduler pro addon that allows you to schedule the deletion, which can be bought from the BulkWP addon store.

Delete Attachments

In this release, we have added support for an addon that allows you to delete attachments based on whether they are attached to a post or not. This will be useful if you have lot of unattached attachments in your WordPress installation.

Check out the screenshots below and you can learn more about the “Bulk Delete Attachment” addon from the store.

Other Enhancements

In addition to the above major features this release also has a couple of other enhancements. The following are some of the important ones.

  • Improved the UI for all dropdowns.
  • The plugin now uses compressed JS and CSS files for better performance.
  • Lot of other improvements in the code that should increase the performance of the plugin.

You can find out the list of changes that went in this release at github.

What’s next

For the next release I am planning to add the following features.

  • Ability to delete posts that belong to a custom post status
  • Ability to delete comments

You can follow the development of next release at github and meanwhile if you have a feature request then do let me know by creating a new ticket in github or by leaving a comment below. Till then enjoy bulk deleting 🙂


  1. Jams Root


  2. Jams Root


  3. John Root


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