Ability to delete Posts by Users instead of User role

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Delete Posts by User Role Ability to delete Posts by Users instead of User role

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 10 years ago.

  • Author
  • #2214

    Rafael Nieves


    I’m looking into getting this add-on. but it’s holding me back because i want to delete post made by user. not by user-role can this be accomplish.


  • #2297



    Right now it is not possible to delete posts by user, but I can create a new addon for you if you can wait for about a week.

    Can you briefly explain your requirement?

    PS: I split the topic into a separate thread since this was not related to the original discussion.

    • #2300

      Rafael Nieves

      Yes, I’ve received a DMCA notice from a webs site that we were copying all content from his site to ours.So I wanted to remove all post that the user made and deleted them so i can be in compliance with the dmca notice.The user has well over 1500 post.If i do it my user role I will delete legitimate post, from other users in the same role.

      Thank You..

  • #2305


    Thanks for explaining your requirement. I will start working on an addon and will release it in about a week.

    This new addon will have a similar pricing structure as this addon – http://bulkwp.com/addons/bulk-delete-posts-by-content/

  • #2549

    Rafael Nieves

    <div class=”d4p-bbp-quote-title”>Sudar wrote:</div>Thanks for explaining your requirement. I will start working on an addon and will release it in about a week.

    This new addon will have a similar pricing structure as this addon – http://bulkwp.com/addons/bulk-delete-posts-by-content/

    hello, any updates?

  • #2555


    I will be releasing it tomorrow. Will update this post with links once the addon is released.

  • #2577


    Hello Rafael,

    Apologies for the delay. Just before the release we found an issue with the plugin and we had to postpone the release.

    All the issues are fixed now and we are doing a final round of testing. If everything goes well then the addon will be released by tomorrow.

    I will post an update here once that happens.

  • #2580

    Rafael Nieves

    <div class=”d4p-bbp-quote-title”>Sudar wrote:</div>Hello Rafael,

    Apologies for the delay. Just before the release we found an issue with the plugin and we had to postpone the release.

    All the issues are fixed now and we are doing a final round of testing. If everything goes well then the addon will be released by tomorrow.

    I will post an update here once that happens.

    ok thanks for the update. better to be safe then sorry 🙂

  • #2625


    Hello Rafael,

    We have released the addon. Here are the links

    The main addon – http://bulkwp.com/addons/bulk-delete-posts-by-user/
    The scheduler addon – http://bulkwp.com/addons/scheduler-for-deleting-posts-by-user/

    Please note that you would need at least v5.4.2 of the Bulk Delete plugin for this addon to work.

    Try it out and let us know if you have any feedback.

  • #2652


    Hello Rafael,

    Just wanted to check if you had a chance to look into the addon that I created for you.

    Have a look at it and let me know if this is what you wanted.

  • #2658

    Rafael Nieves

    ok, thanks just purchased it.I’ll update you of any issues.

    thank you very much..

  • #2660


    Thanks Rafael.

    Let me know if you have any feedback about the addon.

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