Block, prevent posting by title, key word or phrase

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Delete Posts by Title Block, prevent posting by title, key word or phrase

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 7 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #12603

    Alexander Barhatkov

    Block, prevent posting by title, key word or phrase
    Can your plugin prevent from posting to begin with…I mean if certain tile key words are selected, met or matched can it catch, filter and prevent from actually posting the article, post portfolio or what ever item Etc…

    We need a Filter rather then post something and then delete something after everyone already seen it … Does that make Sense?

  • #12611


    Hello Alexander,

    Right now our plugin only allows you to delete posts based on some criteria and doesn’t support prevention of post creation.

    We can however try to create it as a custom solution for you if you are interested.

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