Bulk Delete Based upon a CSV upload

Home Forums Feature Requests Bulk Delete Based upon a CSV upload

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 9 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5054

    Claude Edkins

    It would be quite useful to have a function that allows an admin to upload a file of user that needed to be deleted including all content. We have a salesforce instance that creates and delete the users and we currently export the file to a csv to add users but do not have a good way to import a list of users that need to be deleted. Let me know if this is possible.

  • #5087


    Hello Claude,

    I have added it to my todo list. You can track the progress here https://github.com/sudar/bulk-delete/issues/117

    If you want it right away, we can also do it as a custom work for you.

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