Bulk Delete from Trash is Empty

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dominique Goeken 6 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #6533

    Morgan Finley

    So I got this plugin to delete almost 25,000 posts. They are all of a custom post type, Dealers. I deleted them all, but accidentally sent about 15,000 to the trash.

    So I got the add-on to delete the trash. When I go to the page, it’s just an empty box with no options or button to delete. Am I doing something wrong?

  • #6534


    Hello Morgan,

    It should actually provide you an option to delete posts from Trash. So there is something wrong.

    Can you post the screenshot of the module and also attach the system info?

    You can download the system info by going to Bulk WP -> System info page.

  • #6604


    Hello Morgan,

    Are you still facing this issue?

  • #15217

    Dominique Goeken


    I am facing this problem right now.

    Is there something how I can fix this?

    It’s really strange, because I am ‘deleting’ products, but I see that the hard drive of my server is losing capacity.

    thank you

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