Bulk Delete – incsub_wiki – Published Posts (12854)

Home Forums Feature Requests Bulk Delete – incsub_wiki – Published Posts (12854)

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #3295

    I have many incsub_wiki Posts that were published by some sort of Spam Bot. (12854)

    They all have some sort of spam link inside their post. And the spam bot used my name to publish. …

    Do you have anything that can scan for spam and delete?

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  • #3297


    Hello Jack,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    We have two options to delete these posts.

    Delete Posts based on user

    You mentioned that all the spam posts were added using your username. Do you have any good wiki posts as well in your name? If not, then you can use our “Bulk Delete Posts by User” addon to delete all the posts based on the username.

    Delete Posts based on content

    If all the spam posts have a common word or link then you can our Bulk Delete Posts by content addon to delete the posts based on that common word.

    Let us know if the above suggestions were useful.

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