Bulk delete limited to 10 posts

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Delete from Trash Bulk delete limited to 10 posts

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 10 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #944

    Eric Anderson

    Maybe I’m missing something but… I’ve got 300+ posts in the trash and I was expecting your bulk delete plugin to allow me to choose all 300+ post and delete them. I only seem to be able to delete 10 at a time.

    Am I mis-understanding the functionality of the plug-in?

    Attached screen shot.


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  • #946


    Hello Eric,

    No, your understanding is correct. It is supposed to show all the posts that are in the trash.

    I guess there are some corner cases where this is not happening. I am currently looking into the issue to see why this happens.

    Will update this post again once I figure out what is happening.

  • #948


    Hello Eric,

    I was able to replicate the issue and have fixed it and released v0.2 of the addon with the fix.

    If you have already activated the addon using the license key that you got during the purchase, then you will be able to update the addon directly from the WordPress admin page. If not then you can download the latest version of the addon from your accounts page at http://bulkwp.com/account.

  • #956


    Marking this thread as resolved. Feel free to post again if you still have any more questions.

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