bulk delete plugin also deletes the pictures from the post? or category?

Home Forums Bulk Delete Plugin bulk delete plugin also deletes the pictures from the post? or category?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #15334



    Following have dependent Category-video-deleted now my questions are the preview video images synonymous with deleted? which under media are deleted with? So everything that z.b to contribution 1 … heard? pictures texts etc?

    Sorry hope understand what i mean my english is not good and i use translator

    Thx Blu21

  • #15335



    I am not sure if I fully understand your question.

    I am assuming that you are asking me whether the attachments of a post will be deleted when a post is deleted. Is that correct?

    The answer to that question is no. We don’t delete the attachments (pictures and videos) of a post. But we will delete the comments, meta data and revisions of the post.

    If you still have a question, you can also post a screenshot instead of text if you find it difficult to write in English.

  • #15336


    yes that’s exactly what I meant the image images stored in the media will also be blabbed .. because otherwise were twice .. late and more space needed

    Thanks for the answer, I can also delete the pictures with the plugin

  • #15337


    Glad to know that I was able to answer your question.

    If you want to delete all attachments (pictures, videos etc) that are no longer associated with a post, then you can use our Bulk Delete Attachments add-on to delete them.

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