Bulk Delete users by role

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  vera mallard 9 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #5555

    vera mallard

    I am techie dumb. I went to wordpress, installed Bulk WP and the simple log; it works great now, but I want to delete the remaining subscribers by role. Do I have to purchase from you, download to my computer then some how upload into my wordpress blog. If so I am so lost I dont know how to do that. Does wordpress sale the pro addon so I can just upload from their page? If not, what is the FTP somethng that I need to upload and how hard that to do and install pro addon? If it is not as easy as 1-2-3, am couldnt do it.

  • #5556


    Hello Vera,

    Once you have purchashed the addon you will be able to install the addon directly from the WordPress admin UI instead of messing around with FTP.

    Please see this guide that explains how to install the addon directly from the WordPress admin. http://bulkwp.com/docs/installing-addon/

    Let me know if you still have any more questions regarding this.

  • #5576

    vera mallard

    I have bulk wp and the simple log; I followed the instructionsfor uploading addon bulk delete users by role. I activated the plug in with the key. Where do I find the section to delete by user role. The bulk wp doesn’t show delete by user role, the scheduler doesn’t show anything.

    addon licenses says it is valid until 1-28-17. So where is the section to delete by user role.

    on the dashboard for bulk delete doesnt show anything under scheduler, delete bulk users; nothing under any of the selections.

    Under system info it shows bulk delete,simple log, and delete bulk by user role active.
    help please

  • #5577


    It should be available under Bulk WP -> Bulk Delete Users menu.

    Would it be possible for you to give us access to your server? Please “Set your reply as private” when you send the credentials so that only both of us can view it.

  • #5578

    vera mallard
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • #5579

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  • #5582

    vera mallard
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • #5583


    In WordPress all users should belong to at least one user role, unless they were directly inserted into the db.

    So my plugin currently only allows you to delete users who belong to a user role.

    Ability to delete users who don’t belong to any user role is something that I am working on. Is that feature very important for you?

  • #5584

    vera mallard
    This reply has been marked as private.

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