Bulk Delete Users – Don't Know How to Update System Info

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 9 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #4225

    Michelle Kissman

    Hi, Sudar,

    Thanks for the bulk delete plugin!

    I am a pretty novice admin and I have over 44000 spam users.
    Good news is that I don’t have any real users yet… this was a test website for sales purposes. Now we want to turn it on for real and I need to delete all these users.

    I installed the plugin and ran it to delete all users in category “student” (25K) and got the blank white screen.

    So I checked your FAQs and found the instructions to update the System Info file. But when I click on the line I want to change, the entire file is highlighted and I can find no way to turn it off.

    Can you tell me how I’m supposed to update this file?

    Also, your FAQs list of variables to change doesn’t exactly match any of the variables in the system info file… though there are several that I think they map to. Can you just please confirm the correct variable names to change to?



  • #4226


    Hello Michelle,

    The system info page available at “Bulk WP -> System Info” menu only displays the configuration information of your WordPress installation. To actually change the values of any of those configuration you may have to edit your configuration files. Depending on the configuration it would either be wp-config.php file or the php.ini file.

    To increase the amount of memory available to WordPress you have to add the following lines to your wp-config.php file.

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    You can read more about from WordPress documentation.

    Also, your FAQs list of variables to change doesn’t exactly match any of the variables in the system info file… though there are several that I think they map to. Can you just please confirm the correct variable names to change to?

    The values that are displayed in the FAQ are the ones that needs to be modified in php.ini file. In your case you should be able to increase the amount of memory in WordPress by just modifying the wp-config.php file.

    Let me know if you still face any issues.

  • #4895


    Marking this thread as resolved. Feel free to post again if you still have any more questions.

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