Cannot use purchased Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Status

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Status Cannot use purchased Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Status

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Moore 10 years ago.

  • Author
  • #2680

    Michael Moore

    Hi Sudar,

    Thanks for the plug-ins. Great work.

    I installed Bulk Delete Posts by Content. The last line item says the bulk delete can be scheduled. I have installed Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Status which was linked to in the “available in pro version.”

    I see the Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Status module installed but the option to schedule a job using Bulk Delete Posts by Content remains greyed out.

    What am I missing?


  • #2681


    Hello Michael,

    We are very glad to know that you like our plugin.

    The ability to schedule deletion of posts by content is available in the “Scheduler for deleting posts by content” addon available at but you seem to have bought the “Scheduler for deleting posts by status” addon available at

    There are separate schedulers for each functionality, but all sound similar 🙂

    If you want I can swap the addon in your order number BWP-1257 so that you will get the right addon.

  • #2682

    Michael Moore

    Thank you. Please swap out the add-on for the right one ASAP.

    FYI you might want to check the upgrade link on you your module. It points to the item i purchased.



  • #2683


    I have swapped the addon in the order. You should have gotten an email about it with links to download the new addon and license code. Let me know if you face any issues with it.

    Can you kindly tell me which link you clicked to make the purchase. I checked the link in the admin UI and also the addon page at and both seem to be pointing to the correct url.

  • #2685

    Michael Moore

    Hello Sudar,

    I checked the purchase link and can only assume I made a mistake. Forgive me.

    The activation code you gave me for bulk-delete-scheduler-for-deleting-posts-by-content-0.1 doesn’t appear to work. Do you want me to purchase the add-on?


  • #2687


    I checked the purchase link and can only assume I made a mistake. Forgive me.

    No problem at all. Most of the addons have similar names and it can be confusing sometimes. I am trying to see if there is a way to improve the user experience regarding that.

    The activation code you gave me for bulk-delete-scheduler-for-deleting-posts-by-content-0.1 doesn’t appear to work. Do you want me to purchase the add-on?

    I have generated new license keys for you and have sent the email again. Please use the license keys from the latest email and let me know if you are still facing any issues with it.

  • #2689

    Michael Moore

    Perfect. Thank you.

  • #2690


    Thanks for the review and happy to help.

    PS: I am marking this thread as resolved. Please feel free to contact again if you need any thing.

  • #2693

    Michael Moore

    Thanks again.

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