Can't Activate Plugin

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Delete Posts by Content Can't Activate Plugin

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 10 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #1879

    B H

    After buying the “Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Content” Addon for a site we’re developing, we tried activating it.

    We have Bulk Delete 5.4 installed and activated, but we can’t seem to get this addon to activate.

    I’ve tried deleting and re installing both plugins, but nothing seems to work. Whenever we try to activate the Scheduler addon we get the error message “Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Content addon needs Bulk Delete plugin to be installed and activated; the addon has been deactivated.

    Here is a picture of the error we are getting:

    Error Mesage

    What are we doing wrong?

  • #1880


    The “Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Content” Addon needs the “Bulk Delete Posts by Content” addon as well.

    I guess the error message should be a bit more clear. I will change that in the next release.

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