Custom Field and Date format

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Delete Posts by Custom Field Custom Field and Date format

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Sudar 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #1579


    Support originally requested through contact form.

    I am having an issue using the bulk delete add on for custom field values. I am using advanced custom fields for a date field that basically is an ‘end date’. I’m trying to target all posts in the events CPT that have a custom field with a specific end date. However it is not working accordingly to my settings.

    I double checked that that the ACF date value is correct as seen here:

  • #1580


    The value that is entered in the value field should match the date format entered in the dateformat field.

    Change the date to 140511 and it should work.

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