deduplicate posts

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 7 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #13563


    I am using the duplicate add-on

    I would like to eliminate duplicates:
    – by title
    if the following conditions are filled:
    – the post type is the same
    – the location is the same
    – the category is the same

    May I ask you:
    which plugin-aon I need to have
    what seetings I need to do on this add-on

    Thank you

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  • #13566



    Thanks for your interest in our add-on.

    Unfortunately right now we only support deleting posts by duplicate title only based on title and post type.

    It is not possible to restrict them based on custom taxonomies like category or location.

    However if you are interested then we can implement it as a custom job for you.

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