delete attachement by categories

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 8 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #7609

    bin zhang

    I just wonder if the ‘delete attachments’ feature can also be filtered by categories or any custom post type?

  • #7614


    Hello Bin,

    Right now it is not possible to filter attachments by categories. This is in our todo list thought.

  • #7615

    bin zhang

    Hi Sudar,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    That’s a pity, because I need to delete one or two categories post including the images being attached. It would be really great if it can be done with your plug-ing.

    looking forward to see your update.


  • #7616


    You can actually do the following.

    First delete the posts. This can be done using categories or custom post types.

    Once the posts are deleted, you can delete all unattached attachments. That way if the image is used by two posts and one of them is not deleted then the image will not be deleted.

    Let me know if this solves your problem.

  • #7617

    bin zhang

    that’s very smart solution.
    but I can’t find the option of delete all unattached attachments though. Is that under pro version? didn’t see it on the provided screenshot either.

  • #7619


    Ability to delete unattached attachments is available as part of this add-on –

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