Delete by user ID?

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 7 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #11553

    Klaus P. Lewohn

    I run a portal with 64 000 user accounts. These are too many to list.

    Is it possible to simply enter the user ID and delete the related posts?

    Are actually deleted the image files belonging to the posts?

  • #11564


    Hello Klaus,

    When a post is deleted, the images are not deleted since they may be attached to other posts.

    We have an add-on called Bulk Delete attachments available at that can be used to delete images that are no longer attached to any post.

    Right now it is not possible to delete users by just the user id. This feature is in our todo list.

    We can also take it up as a custom developed feature for you if you are interested.

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