Delete "Feedback"

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 8 years ago.

  • Author
  • #9583

    Dallas Stacy

    I have about 250000 spam messages under my feedback tab. Under the Bulk Delete plugin there is an option to “Bulk Delete Misc” I click on that and it shows “delete all contact form messages” and shows I have 250,621. When I delete them however, nothing is being deleted. I go back to the feedback page, and they are all still there. Suggestions?

  • #9589


    Hello Dallas,

    Please give me the list of options that you choose while deleting the contact messages.

  • #9590

    Dallas Stacy

    Here is a screenshot of the options I select. I have also tried it without using the “older than” setting, but have gotten the same result. Thank you.

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  • #9592


    Thanks for the screenshot.

    Looks like you are deleting all contact messages that are older than a day. What is the date in the contact messages?

    Can you post a screenshot of the first page of contact messages?

  • #9593

    Dallas Stacy

    Here ya go, thanks.

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  • #9595


    Okay, the contact messages are definitely older than a day.

    Can you also send me the System Info? You can find it from Bulk WP -> System Info.

  • #9596

    Dallas Stacy

    Copy and Pasted below. I am curious, are these contact form messages? Because they don’t show up under my comments page, only my feedback page. Thank you for the help.

    ### Begin System Info ###

    Multisite: No

    Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.2 Safari/602.3.12

    Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    Active Theme: Chunk 1.3.2
    Registered Post types: post, page, attachment, revision, nav_menu_item, custom_css, customize_changeset, feedback
    post publish=69, future=0, draft=0, pending=0, private=0, trash=0, auto-draft=1, inherit=0, spam=0,
    page publish=3, future=0, draft=0, pending=0, private=0, trash=0, auto-draft=0, inherit=0, spam=0,
    attachment publish=0, future=0, draft=0, pending=0, private=0, trash=0, auto-draft=0, inherit=31, spam=0,
    revision publish=0, future=0, draft=0, pending=0, private=0, trash=0, auto-draft=0, inherit=227, spam=0,
    nav_menu_item publish=0, future=0, draft=15, pending=0, private=0, trash=0, auto-draft=0, inherit=0, spam=0,
    custom_css publish=0, future=0, draft=0, pending=0, private=0, trash=0, auto-draft=0, inherit=0, spam=0,
    customize_changeset publish=0, future=0, draft=0, pending=0, private=0, trash=0, auto-draft=0, inherit=0, spam=0,
    feedback publish=250621, future=0, draft=0, pending=0, private=0, trash=1, auto-draft=0, inherit=0, spam=0,

    Bulk Delete Version: 5.5.4
    WordPress Version: 4.7.1
    PHP Version: 5.4.43
    MySQL Version: 5.6.32
    Web Server Info: Apache

    WordPress Memory Limit: 40M
    WordPress Max Limit: 256M
    PHP Memory Limit: 256M

    SAVEQUERIES: Not set
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    WP_SCRIPT_DEBUG: Not set

    GMT Offset: -6

    DISABLE_WP_CRON: Not set

    PHP Safe Mode: No
    PHP Upload Max Size: 64M
    PHP Post Max Size: 64M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize: 64M
    PHP Time Limit: 30
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    PHP Arg Separator: &
    PHP Allow URL File Open: Yes

    WP Table Prefix: wp_mvkx_

    Session: Disabled
    Session Name: PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path: /
    Save Path: /tmp
    Use Cookies: On
    Use Only Cookies: On

    FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL: Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client: Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN: Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.


    Add to All: 1.2.1
    AddToAny Share Buttons: 1.7.7
    Akismet: 3.2
    Bulk Delete: 5.5.4
    Contact Form With Captcha: 1.6.2
    Facebook Like Thumbnail: 0.4
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP: 4.9.5
    Instagram Feed: 1.4.8
    Jetpack by 4.5
    MOJO Marketplace: 1.0.5
    Poll, Survey, Quiz & Form by OpinionStage: 16.9.0
    Single Post Template: 1.4.4
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: 1.7.2
    WordPress Importer: 0.6.3
    WP-Polls: 2.73.2
    WP Bulk Delete: 1.1.0

    ### End System Info ###

  • #9717


    Hello Dallas,

    Thanks for giving me information. I was able to trace the issue to a bug in the plugin which I just fixed and released.

    Please updated Bulk Delete to v5.5.5 which fixes the issue that you were facing.

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