Delete "!has_thumbnail"

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 9 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #3453

    Klaus P. Lewohn

    I import News of two XML files. One of them also transmitted images.

    This often creates duplicate entries. I want to delete those items containing no picture. Can I do that with bulk WP?

    Greetings from Klaus

  • #3458


    Hello Klaus,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    Do you want to delete all posts that don’t have any attachments or do you want to delete all posts that have broken attachments?

    Let us know the answer to the above question and I will let you know whether it is something that can be done by our plugin or not.

  • #3459

    Klaus P. Lewohn

    The duplicate entries are created by the XML file without picture-URLs.

    There are two custom fields in the items: If there is a picture, it has the custom field “imgid=###”.

    with both of the files, the field is always “extid” generated with a unique, numerical value.

    If there are two posts with the same value for the custom field “extid” and one of them has no value for “imgid”, I want to delete it.

    Thanks for your help

  • #3460


    Hello Klaus,

    You can use the Bulk Delete Posts by Custom Field addon to do that.

    In the addon settings just choose the custom field name and enter an empty string in the “value” field. This will allow you to delete all posts that have an empty value for that custom field.

  • #3461

    Klaus P. Lewohn

    But I don’t want to delete all posts without pictures. I want to delete posts without pictures, when exists a duplicate entry with a picture 🙂

  • #3493


    Okay, so you need to delete it based on two custom fields.

    If there are two posts with the same value for the custom field “extid” and one of them has no value for “imgid”, I want to delete it.

    Right now the custom fields addon only supports on custom field and it can’t be used for this.

    I guess the only option at this point is to create a custom addon specifically for you to solve this. Unfortunately we don’t have an already built addon that can do this for you.

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