delete post

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 8 years, 12 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5722

    Alvaro Ulldemolins

    I have 30.000 post and I have to delete every day, but the system give me time out.

    I bought the addon for delete by posttype.

    how can I configure the options to delete whith the option “Use this option if there are more than 1000 posts and the script timesout.” ?

    In the dropdown no appear how many time i want to repeat ..

    Thanks in advance


  • #5723


    Hello Alvaro,

    Check the “Only delete x posts” checkbox and then enter a number like 100 or 200 in the textbox.

    This will delete only the number of posts that you have entered each time it is invoked thereby preventing timeouts.

  • #5724

    Alvaro Ulldemolins

    Hi Sudar,
    thank you, but I want to delete the 30.000, if I check this option, only delete 100 no?

    How can I configure for delete all the post every day with the “Only delete X post” ?

    Thank you


  • #5725


    It will delete 100 in a single batch.

    After you select this option you have to schedule the batch. To schedule the batch select the “Schedule” radio button and then pick the start time and the frequency at which you want the batch to repeat.

    If the dropdown doesn’t display a schedule that you like, then you can create your own schedule using the wp-crontrol plugin available at

  • #5728

    Alvaro Ulldemolins

    Hi Sudar,

    works like a charm !! Thank you.

    Another question, there is any way to know how many time takes to delete all the post ? Any place to see when it stop the task or similar log?

    Thank you.


  • #5729


    works like a charm !! Thank you.

    Nice to know that you got it working.

    there is any way to know how many time takes to delete all the post ?

    Right now there is no easy way to see how many times the job has run. But if you go to Bulk WP -> Scheduled Jobs screen then you can see when it will be next run.

    You can also buy the Schedule Email addon that will send an email every time the scheduler is run.

    Let me know if you have any more questions.

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