Deleting Ignored Events from Tribe Events Calendar

Home Forums Bulk Delete Plugin Deleting Ignored Events from Tribe Events Calendar

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Harry Engel 7 years, 5 months ago.

  • Author
  • #12444

    Harry Engel

    Tribe events has a category of events (aka posts) that is called ignored. These are duplicates that are not to be published. How can I delete this category?

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  • #12446


    Hello Harry,

    The posts in ‘ignored’ are internally managed based on custom post status (not category).

    Right now it is not possible do delete only them. But we are working on adding support for deleting posts based on custom post status.

    You can track the progress here

    I will update this thread once we have implemented it.

  • #12462

    Harry Engel


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