Deleting items older than 15 days but still deleting new items

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 7 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #12414

    Yan Ye


    I am trying to configure your plugin, but I can’t manage to make it work.

    See the picture attached. I want to delete all the items not “featured” older than 20 days.

    But the plugin it’s not deleting the old post, but deleting all the not featured new posts. Why the date it’s not working?


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  • #12420


    Hello Yan,

    We tried to replicate the issue and we are not able to.

    Can you please also post a screenshot of the All Posts page with the published date before and after deletion?

  • #12421

    Yan Ye

    We are trying to delete custom type posts. We have a 3-4 new post every minute (classifieds website) and when I run Bulk WP delete, I can see in the trash messages sent just one minute ago.

    As you can see in the attached screenshot, the last message is “SILLA MESA FRIGORIFICO )

    When I run WP Bulk, that message goes to trash. SO something it’s not working well.

    Thank you!

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  • #12423

    Yan Ye

    I just set:

    – Delete posts older than 50 days (Oldest post in my web is 25 days old )
    – Delete only the first 2 posts

    And it deleted the latest 2 posts in the website. I don’t have posts older than 25 days, so it should give me an error saying 0 posts deleted, am I right?

    But instead, it deleted the first 2 posts. It looks like the “Delete only the first X posts” options it’s not working, but I can’t test it, because I could lose thousands of new messages.

    Thank you!

  • #12443

    Yan Ye


  • #12447


    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    We will try to replicate the issue again in our side.

    Meanwhile can you let us know how is the custom post type created? Is it created by a plugin or through custom code?

    Some plugins try to override the query that is used for the custom post type that they create which might cause this issue as well.

    Also is it possible to get access to your site to debug this further?

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