Easy Digital Downloads Campaign Tracker

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 6 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #15186

    Anthony Wilkinson

    ## Bug Report
    ### Expected behavior
    I bought Campaign Tracker v. 1.0.0. I installed it and activated it. I expected there to be some indication somewhere on the menus that it was there.

    ### Actual behavior
    There is no evidence that it exists.

    ### Steps to reproduce the behavior
    Upload it. Install it. Activate it. Look around for it.

    ### Information (if a specific version is affected):
    PHP Version:

    EDD Version (or branch): v. 2.9

    WordPress Version: WordPress 4.9.5 running WorkBook theme.

    Any other relevant information:
    I am using campaign urls.
    I have Google Analytics.
    Google Analytics tracking code is connected to my site.
    I have confirmed it by seeing reports in real time at Google Analytics about activity at my site.

  • #15210



    The EDD team has taken over the support of the EDD Campaign Tracker add-on.

    Please contact them at https://easydigitaldownloads.com/support/ for support.

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