Error after installing

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #485



    After deleting old version of addon and installing new one (v5) my website goes down:

    Fatal error: Class ‘BD_License_Handler’ not found in /home/contra2/public_html/ on line 55

    What it could be and how can I fix it? Thanks.

  • #538


    It seems you have updated only the addon. You should also update the Bulk Delete plugin to v5.0

    Update the Bulk Delete plugin to v5.0 and let me know if you are still facing this issue.

  • #633


    Did you try to update the Bulk Delete plugin to v5.0 or above?

  • #675


    Also what is the version of PHP that you are using?

    I just found that if you are using PHP version less than 5.3 there was some problem. I just fixed it in and released v5.1 of the plugin.

    Kindly try the latest version of the Bulk Delete plugin and let me know if you are still facing issue with this.

  • #696


    “It seems you have updated only the addon” – that’s a reason 🙂 After updating plugin to 5.0 problem was solved. Must give you a note that update for addon was released before update for the plugin which cause this mistake.

    Also I have one else question – after registering my license for addon it write to me that license expires after one year. I thought that after purchasing your software I’ll get lifetime updates. Am I right or after expiring I’ll be able to renew it for free?

  • #698


    Actually I released the plugin before the addon. But for some reason WordPress didn’t pick up the update for the plugin. Anyways, I am glad it is fixed now.

    Also I have one else question – after registering my license for addon it write to me that license expires after one year. I thought that after purchasing your software I’ll get lifetime updates. Am I right or after expiring I’ll be able to renew it for free?

    The license expires after a year, but you will still be able to use the addon. But if you need updates then you have to renew the license. Right now I am planning to provide 30% discount for renewing licenses.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

  • #865


    Marking this as resolved. Feel free to post again if you have any more questions.

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