I want to delete using a list of values in one specific custom field

Home Forums Bulk Delete Plugin I want to delete using a list of values in one specific custom field

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 6 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #15792

    Steve Axworthy

    So can this plug-in or the pro version do this?

    I have a spreadsheet that can be saved as a csv or txt file… it would be a list of values.. each value would match a specific posts custom field value.. I want to bulk delete all posts that match any one of the values in the csv or txt file.


  • #15794


    Hello Steve,

    Right now it is not possible to do what you want.

    But if you want we can create do this as a custom development work for you.

  • #15795

    Steve Axworthy

    Can you quote this for me?

  • #15803


    Hello Steve,

    I would require some sample data from your sheet for me to give you a quote.

    Please send me some sample data from the sheet and how the matching should be done for the posts via email to support@bulkwp.com and I will give you my quote.

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