Incorrect post deleting

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #891


    Cheers, Sudar! I’m using ‘Bulk Delete Plugin’ with purchased ‘Scheduler Addon’ and I have noticed some strange behavior of the plugin.

    My goal is to delete all articles which older than 180 days. So I’m configured plugin with the next preferences (I have just copied it from scheduler):

    Array ( [0] => Array ( [restrict] => true [limit_to] => 100 [force_delete] => true [post_status_op] => < [post_status_days] => 180 [publish] => publish [drafts] => [pending] => [future] => [private] => [sticky] => ) )

    And after running plugin with this settings it can delete… and delete… and delete without stopping. I thought that it might be too much old entries so I’m used my desktop mysql-app to delete entries ‘in one touch’ by this sql-query:

    DELETE FROM wp_posts
    WHERE post_type = ‘post’
    AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), post_date) > 180

    After running this query my blog must be cleaned out of entries which older that 180 days, right? Right… But!!! When I run plugin again he continue to deleting! Every time I start it he deletes some articles. Which one if everything already deleted?!

    So I’m run it again and while deleting process is running I’m filtered my most older entries (by date) and saw that their count is not reducing but count of all published records is reducing. Very strange, huh?

    So problem is that plugin even after 100% deleting of older posts continues to delete something (because I’m even doesn’t see which posts it deleting)

    Can you please help me to solve this issue? Thanks. Hope I’m described it fine.

  • #892


    That’s really strange, even I am not sure what is happening. Do you have any other plugin active that either deals with deleting posts or handles trash?

    Also, would it be possible for you to give me access to your server so that I can have a look at it?

    PS: When you post your credentials or any other sensitive information, make sure that you have selected the private reply option, so that it is visible only to you and me.

  • #893

    This reply has been marked as private.
  • #894


    Hah, I’m start to record video with my comments to show you what exactly happens but when I’m executed your plugin it said ‘0 post deleted’ as it should. No more deleting of something without stopping! /

    I don’t know where exactly was a problem. May be you already fixed it, may be it just a miracle, and may be it because of setting correct timezone in php.ini, which allow date filter of the plugin to work properly.

    By the way, we can mark this topic as solved, if I notice something strange again I’ll tell you 😉

  • #910


    I have only two logical explanations to this. One is that your server timezone and WordPress timezone might be different. Or the other reason might be that your MySQL server is very underpowered and it might have taken it a while to complete the execution.

    Again these are just speculations and even I am not sure what really happened 🙂 But I am glad that your issue is fixed now.

    In case you face this issue again do let me know and I will have a deeper look into it.

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