Invoice needed

Home Forums Billing Invoice needed

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 9 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #3417

    Thierry Dupont


    We purchased the plugin from our company account and we now need an official INVOICE.
    The invoices from paypal are not enough for europe`s TAX OFFICES.
    There must be a invoice # and your letterhead, logo incl. name & address.
    How can we get this please?

    PLease send invoice to:

    Zite Media BVBA
    Schuurveldlaan 11-13
    VAT: BE 0881.929.839

    Thank you very much

    Thierry Dupont

  • #3421


    Hello Thierry,

    Provide your Order number and we will prepare and send the invoice to the email address mentioned in that order.

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