Maximum posts deleted at one time

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 9 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #2917

    Doc Fabiano

    I recently installed this plug in to rid my domain of thousands of unauthorized posts that were allowed when I was hacked and my WordPress settings were reset to “allow users” How that happened was confusing enough, but the issue is when I try to delete all posts more than 100 at a time, I get an error, which I assume is the script timing out. Since not being aware that all sorts of posts relative to all sorts of topics, none of which were related to my site and work, I have come to discover some 129000+ posts. Google shows them under different subjects, but always with my url on the second line. Access via that way brings up my navigation page and the subject post. Accessing my site directly doesn’t show these posts, only the content etc. on my site. What must I do to delete all these posts since I have now learned how to prevent more from happening. I am a grumpy old curmudgeon, which may explain a lot, but then, would someone please explain in simple language (not ASCI, java script, meta, or whatever) how I may go about fixing this so I don’t feel stupid each time I try to use bulk delete. Thanks so much…..

  • #2918


    Hello Doc,

    ..when I try to delete all posts more than 100 at a time, I get an error, which I assume is the script timing out..

    Can you give me more details about what is the exact error that you were receiving?

  • #2919

    Doc Fabiano

    the error I get is “500 Error”
    I am using the lastest WordPress with Jetpack. MY domain host is Fast Domain.

  • #2920


    I think your server is running out of memory.

    Go to Bulk WP -> System info and then post that information here. Make sure you select it as private reply so that others don’t see your server details.

  • #2982


    Hello Doc,

    Are you still facing any issues with the plugin? If yes, then please post the System Information.

  • #3085


    Marking this thread as resolved. Feel free to post again if you still have any more questions.

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