No whitelist and doesn't address "waiting" category of users

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 8 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #8287

    Magda Munro

    This seems like a useful plug-in, but there is not a way I can see to use a whitelist of users you want to keep at all times, nor is it possible to filter on users of category “waiting” (role), which is simply omitted among the options for some reason.

    I’m working on my subscriber list after having moved known accounts to another role temporarily. With more users, this tedious workaround wouldn’t have been practical.

    A whitelist would be very useful to have and a way to get to all roles or categories of users as well.

  • #8290


    Hello Magda,

    Whitelists are not currently supported.

    I will add it to the ‘todo’ list.

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