Not Working

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 6 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #16064

    Ahmed Sheikhahmed

    I bought the delete attachment add-on and started the process but after 6 hour it is still loading and did delete anything. My site has 37,000 attachment. Also, i tried to just delete 1000 first, and still returning 504 gate way error. Is this really works or is just hoax.

  • #16065

    Ahmed Sheikhahmed

    Can i please have a refund?

  • #16066


    Hello Ahmed,

    Apologies for the issue that you are facing.

    When we delete an attachment the corresponding file in the disk also needs to be deleted. So deleting attachments is relatively slower that deleting posts or users. The speed at which attachment can be deleted depends entirely on the specification of the server in which your WordPress site is hosted.

    Can you give me an opportunity to find out what’s happening? Share me access to your WordPress install. Let me have a look and if I am not able to fix it then I will give you a full refund.

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