Paid to renew an addon licence, but new expiry date not showing

Home Forums Billing Paid to renew an addon licence, but new expiry date not showing

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 6 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #15279

    Shaun Woods


    I renewed an addon licence yesterday, but when I look at the Addon Licences screen, it still lists the old expiry date (tomorrow).

    Will my licence automatically renew, and if not, please can you assist?

    Many thanks

  • #15280


    Hello Shaun,

    I just checked our records and can confirm that your new expiry date is May 26, 2019.

    You are seeing the old expiry date because we cache license information in your site till it is expired so that we don’t have to verify it at every request.

    Once the next license request is made, the date will automatically refresh.

    Please do reach out to us if that doesn’t happen.

    • #15281

      Shaun Woods

      Hi Sudar,

      That’s great – thanks for the info, and for replying so quickly 🙂

  • #15310

    Shaun Woods

    Hi Sudar,

    Just to follow-up – that license is now showing as “expired” in the Add-on Licences screen, and doesn’t appear to have refreshed. Please could you look into this for me?

    Many thanks

  • #15311


    Hello Shaun,

    Apologies for the issue.

    Would it be possible for you to give me access to your site so that I can take a look?

    I will not be making any changes to your website apart from the license page.

    You can send me credentials to your site as a private reply here.

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