Purchased Wrong Bulk Addon

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 7 years ago.

  • Author
  • #14314

    Edd Forster

    I have somehow purchaed the wrong bulk addon can I exchange it for the correct one?

  • #14316


    Hello Edd,


    Please let us know your order number and the add-on that you wanted and we will change your order.

  • #14317

    Edd Forster

    I’m impressed that was a quick reply.

    #BWP-2394 – I was looking to purchase the bulk custom taxonomy addon.

    I will dectivate and unistall the wrong one I purchaed.

    Kind regards

  • #14328


    Hello Edd,

    I have updated your order and swapped the add-ons and have resent the payment receipt with links to download the new add-on.

    You can also download the new add-on by logging into your accounts page at https://bulkwp.com/account/

    PS: I typically try to respond within an hour or two, but when you initially posted I was right it from of my Mac. So was able to reply to you right away 🙂

  • #14332

    Edd Forster

    Thank you for all of your help.

  • #14347


    Hello Edd,

    Glad to be of help.

    I am going to mark this thread as resolved now. Feel free to reach out to us if you still have any questions.

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