scheduler does not activate

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Category scheduler does not activate

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 9 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #3634

    Danton Mendell

    Bulk delete users and posts from selected categories, tags, post types, custom taxonomies or by post status like drafts, scheduled posts, revisions etc.

    Version 4.4.1 | By Sudar | Visit plugin site


    Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of categories. Needs Bulk Delete Plugin

    Version 0.6 | By Sudar |

  • #3635


    Hello Danton,

    As I posted in the other thread v4.4.1 is very old and will not work with the schedulers.

    Is there any specific reason why you are running a very old version of WordPress? Can you upgrade to the latest version of WordPress?

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