Scheduler not Working but Bulk Delete Now Does

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Scheduler for Deleting Posts by Status Scheduler not Working but Bulk Delete Now Does

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Geoffrey Gussis 6 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #14524

    Geoffrey Gussis

    Not sure what the issue is – trying to delete 50 private posts every 5 minutes and I have it scheduled. But it just doesn’t run. I can delete 800 posts through delete now (900 times out) and that is the only parameter (private posts, 800 – not by age or anything). Are there any tips or tricks to get the scheduler to kick on when sometimes it does not? The site does get traffic – not a ton of traffic but it does get hits.

  • #14525

    Geoffrey Gussis
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • #14526


    Hello Geoffrey,

    Sorry to hear about the issues that you are facing with our scheduler.

    Looks like WP Cron is not getting triggered for whatever reason in your WordPress instance.

    When you create a new schedule job, is it getting displayed in the Bulk WP -> Scheduled Job screen?

    Where is the website hosted? Also check with your webhost whether they have disabled WP Cron.

  • #14731

    Geoffrey Gussis

    Sudar we have not heard back from you – is there any progress with fixing the scheduler?

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