Unable to update Add-on

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Unable to update Add-on

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 9 years, 12 months ago.

  • Author
  • #2705

    Rafael Nieves

    I purchased the bulk delete post by user.I download version 0.1 from account settings on my site is 0.4. I go through the regular install process but it revert back to 0.1

    Can i have the 0.4 update add-on so i can update it to my site.

  • #2708


    Hello Rafael,

    The actual latest version of the “Bulk Delete Posts by User” addon is only v0.1

    Because of a human error it got wrongly updated as v0.4 in our system and that’s why you were getting the update notification. Thanks for reporting the issues and we have fixed it now.

    In future when a new version is released you will get the correct update notification.

    Apologies for the inconvenience. Also as a thank you note for reporting this bug we are happy to give you 10% discount on your next purchase or renewal. Please check the next private reply for details on how to receive this discount.

  • #2709

    This reply has been marked as private.
  • #2715

    Rafael Nieves

    thank you for the fix.it was driving me nuts after upgrading then it was coming back to upgrade again..lol and thank you for the 10%.

  • #2716


    Hello Rafael,

    Once again thanks for reporting it.

    I am going to mark this thread as resolved. Feel free to re-open it if needed.

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