White Screen of Death – time out.

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stefano Natale 6 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #1323

    Dennis Melnik

    I have over 410,000 posts and every time I try to delete duplicate posts with your plugin, it keeps timing out and I get white screen. Nothing gets deleted. I bought two addons and both have an issue. How can I fix this. Currently the plugins did not do anything for me.

  • #1324



    I guess your WordPress installation is running out of memory and is not able to handle 410,000 posts. If you enable WP_DEBUG in your wp-config.php file you will be able to see it your php error log.

    Even if you increase your memory you wouldn’t be able to delete 410,000 in one go. So I would suggest you to delete posts in batches. Almost all modules and addons support deleting in batches. You can use the “Only delete the first x post” checkbox.

  • #1326

    Dennis Melnik

    Thanks for a quick reply. I was actually just trying to find duplicate posts and move them to trash. I’m assuming there are about 20,000 duplicates – which is also a lot and i’m sure its running out of memory. How do I go about increasing the memory, and/or is there a way around it…

  • #1327


    Find out how much memory is allocated to PHP and WordPress. You can find this by accessing the system information from Bulk WP -> System Info. In particular you have to look under PHP Memory Limit and WordPress Memory Limit.

    If WordPress Memory Limit is less than PHP Memory Limit then you can increase it by adding the following line in your wp-config.php file and replace 256M with the value that is there in PHP Memory Limit

    define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    This is the first step. If this doesn’t solve it then you might have to find out how much memory is available in your server. Contact your web hosting company and they should be able to tell you how much memory is available for your server.

  • #1328

    Dennis Melnik

    Thanks. I’ve increased the memory to 512M and confirmed its set correctly.
    “Mem: WP 512M (def), Usage 3% 15.85M of PHP Limit 512M”

    I’m still getting the white screen when trying to run delete duplicate posts. It only deletes two posts at best and I get the white screen.

    Any ideas?

  • #1329


    Try to delete posts in batches by selecting the “Only delete the first x post” checkbox and choose a very small number like 50 or 100. This will let us know whether there are any other issues.

    Once the addon is able to delete this small number of post, you can increase the number upto the point where it runs out of memory again.

  • #1330

    Dennis Melnik

    That option is missing on the “By Duplicate Title” Addon…

  • #1337


    Sorry Dennis, you are correct.

    I just realized that we don’t have that option for deleting posts by duplicate title. The reason being the addon has to scan the entire db to figure out duplicate titles.

    You said you have about 410,000 posts. Can you also tell me approximately how many duplicate posts would be present?

    This addon uses two queries. One to find all posts with duplicate title and one to delete them. I also need to know which one is failing. Will it be possible for you to give me access to your WordPress installation?

  • #1785


    I have added the ability to delete posts in batches in v0.6 of the addon. Kindly try it and let me know if it fixes the issue that you were facing.

  • #2984


    Are you still facing any issues with the plugin?

    I am marking this thread as resolved. Feel free to post again if you still have any more questions.

  • #14648

    Stefano Natale

    Hi, I have same problem, around 40.000 duplicated products and i always get a white screen.
    How can I solve?

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