Introducing BulkWP

Hello World! After couple of months of active development, I am happy to announce the brand new – the support site and store for my Bulk Delete WordPress plugin. Addons have been available for Bulk Delete WordPress plugin for a couple of months, but till now the process of buying the addon and getting updates to them was very tedious. I have designed and developed this site to overcome those issues.

Features of the site

In addition to having the store where you can buy addons, this site also has the following features.

Support Forum

This site now has a Support Forum, to address issues and offer support for both the plugin and all the addons. In addition to general support and troubleshooting, you can also use the support forum to make feature requests or help me to translate the plugin in your language.


The site has a separate documentation section. Right now it has basic documentation about the plugin and addons. I will be expanding the basic documentation to cover all addons and functionalities.

User Account and profile

The site also offers a unified user profile page, from where the users can view their past purchases, re-download their previously purchased addons and also renew their expired license keys.

New Addon licensing

With the new site, I am slightly modifying the way addons are licensed. Basically there are three options when you buy an addon.

  • Single site license – This allows you (or your client) to use the addon on a single site.
  • 2 – 5 sites license – This allows you (or your client) to use the addon on up to 5 sites.
  • Unlimited sites license – This allows you (or your client) to use the addon on unlimited number of sites.

Automatic updates to the addon and support would be provided to all people who have an active and valid license.

Licenses bought through all the above three options are valid for a year. After that you have to renew the license to continue getting automatic updates and support. Right now I am providing a 30% discount for renewal.

Old customers

I have also decided to grand father in all the customers who had purchased any of the addons for Bulk Delete plugin before, by giving them a free unlimited site license. I have already sent an email with the discount code for all the old customers. If you have bought an addon for the Bulk Delete plugin from me before and have not received the email or have any questions about this, the kindly post them in the billing section of the support forum.

New plugin release

I am also releasing a new version (v5.0) of the Bulk Delete plugin that supports the new addon licensing system. This new version is not compatible with the older version of addons. So if you are using old addons, then first deactivate them, then update Bulk Delete plugin and then update the addon.

Also as an introductory offer (and as a reward for reading this blog post till the end 😉 ), I am offering 20% off on all addons sold through this site until the end of June 30th, 2014. Use the code HELLOWORLD at checkout.


  1. Pingback: Bulk Delete Version 5.0 Released | Bulk WP

  2. Pingback: Bulk Delete Version 5.1 Released | Bulk WP

  3. Pingback: Bulk WP crossed 100 orders milestone | Bulk WP

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