delete pending posts every 3 days

Home Forums Bulk Delete Addons Scheduler for Deleting Pages by Status delete pending posts every 3 days

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 8 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #9724

    Stelios Stelaras


    thanks for this great plugin

    i’m interestedin the Scheduler for Deleting Pages by Status” Pro plugin

    Checked the images but i’m not sure if i could do the following

    I need to delete all pending posts every x days

    Is it possible?

    (i see at the image ( at the repeat option the “twice daily” so i don’t know the other options


  • #9734


    Hello Stelios,

    Thanks for your interest in my plugin and add-on.

    Yes, it is possible to delete the posts based on any schedule that you want.

    By default my add-ons display the list of cron schedules that are available in WordPress. A new schedule can be very easily added using the free WP Crontrol plugin.

    We also have instructions for adding new cron schedules to WordPress using the WP Crontrol plugin.

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