Please refund for addons bought in error

Home Forums General Please refund for addons bought in error

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sudar 6 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #14970

    Blue Wren

    Hi Sudar,

    I bought #BWP-2464, downloaded installed and activated this plugin for a client, however it was discovered this was the incorrect addon.
    Next I bought #BWP-2468. I did not download this addon as again, I realised I had bought the wrong one.
    I have since bought the correct addon in #BWP-2469. This has been installed and activated.

    I’d be grateful if you could refund me for #BWP-2464 (now deactivated) and #BWP-2468 (never downloaded).

    Many thanks,
    Blue Wren.

  • #15002


    Hello Blue Wren,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    I will process full refund of the following orders.
    #BWP-2464 and #BWP-2468

  • #15003


    Hello Blue Wren,

    We are facing issues with Paypal while processing the refund for the orders.

    We will process the refund as soon as the issue with Paypal is resolved.

  • #15055


    Hello Blue Wren,

    Finally the issue with Paypal is resolved and I have processed full refund of the 2 orders (#BWP-2464 and #BWP-2468)

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